Cuba in Cold War

Fach Fach

Klasse 11

Autor Larissa345

Veröffentlicht am 17.10.2018


cuba history Cold War


This presentation is about Cuba in the cold war. What were the aims and skills and what was the outcome? What was the search for funding or initial policies? What was the USSR's role in Cuba? Also information about the bay of pigs, the impact, and Kennedy on Khrushchev.

Aims and Skills:
oCause and Consequence
oSimilarity and Difference

oWhy was Cuba important?
oWhat happened to create the crisis?

oCuba – an island in the Caribbean
oClose to the USA – considered to be in the US ‘backyard’
oPlatt Agreement, 1902 recognised American influence over Cuba
oGuantanamo Bay naval base established
oUS businesses controlled much of Cuban industry
oUS retained the right to ‘intervene for the preservation of Cuban Independence’
•Prior to 1959 ruled by a government that was pro-USA
•1956-1959; Civil War in Cuba between the American backed government of Batista and the Cuban ‘rebels’ led by Castro
•Batista lost the Civil War in January 1959
•USA recognised the new government of Fidel Castro on 07/01/59
•Castro announced a major reform of Cuban economy – he needed finance

The search for funding
Castro tried a range of avenues to secure funding for his economic reforms:
•IMF – International Monetary Fund; funds but with strings attached
•USA – No money unless IMF guidelines followed
•OAS – Organisation of American States; would not grant aid to Cuba
Castro was ‘forced’ ask the USSR for assistance
Is it possible to argue that the US helped to create the problems associated with Cuba?

Initial policies
Agrarian Reform Law, May 1959:
•Nationalised all land
•Nationalised all businesses
•Banned foreign ownership of land or businesses

US reaction:
•Economic embargo on trade with Cuba
•Plan for a possible military invasion of Cuba

USSR’s role in cuba
•Castro needed funds to enable him to re-develop the Cuban economy
•Embargo by USA reduced income to almost zero from exports
•USSR offered economic aid – purchased most of Cuba’s exports – Sugar, etc.
•From 1960, USSR offered the aid in return for use of Cuban bases
•USSR also supplied Cuban military with the latest equipment – To forestall a US led invasion

Bay of pigs
•Cuban exile inspired, US supported invasion of Cuba to destroy Castro’s government
•Planned by the Eisenhower administration, accepted by Kennedy’s new government
•1400 exiles equipped and transported to Cuba
•1214 captured!
•Invasion a disaster
•The prisoners were ‘sold’ back to the USA for $53 million (food and machines)

•Humiliation of the USA
•Loss of prestige both national and international for the USA
•Personal disaster for Kennedy, even though it wasn’t his idea / plan
•Made USA look like an Imperial power
•Strengthened link between USSR and Cuba
•Helped in the creation of a formal defensive alliance between USSR & Cuba

Kennedy on Khrushchev
I think that he did it because of the Bay of Pigs. He thought that anyone who was so young and inexperienced as to get into that mess could be beaten; and anyone who got into it and did not see it through had no guts. So he just beat the hell out of me.
If he thinks I’m inexperienced and have not guts, until we remove those ideas we won’t get anywhere with him.”
Kennedy - 1961

Missiles on cuba
Khrushchev had several reasons for trying to place missiles on Cuba:
•Threat to USA
•Bargaining chip with USA – remove missiles from Turkey and Europe …
•Propaganda value
•To protect Cuba from another ‘Bay of Pigs’
•To rebuild Soviet prestige after the loss of face caused by the building of the Berlin Wall (1961)

13 days
•This refers to the period between 16th and 28th October 1962
•The time when, according to most people, they believed the world was on the edge of extinction
•Kennedy and Khrushchev went from antagonism and warmongering to understanding in the 13 days
•The world held its breath

Kennedy’s options on 16th October
1.Do nothing
2.Nuclear strike on Moscow
3.Surgical air strike
4.Nuclear strike on Cuba
6.Diplomatic pressure through UN

13 days key event
•16/10 – US identifies Soviet missiles on Cuba
•22/10 – US announces blockade of Cuba
•23/10 – Soviets inform USA that their ships will ignore the blockade
•24/10 – First Soviet ships stop outside the blockade zone (500 miles / 800 km) from Cuba
•26/10 – Khrushchev admits presence of missiles on Cuba, offers removal if certain conditions are met
•27/10 – Khrushchev offers to remove missiles from Cuba, if US missiles removed from Turkey
•27/10 – U2 spy plane shot down over Cuba
•27/10 – Kennedy replies to Khrushchev that if Soviets withdraw missiles from Cuba, no US or US supported attack will follow
•28/10 – Khrushchev states that Soviets will dismantle missiles on Cuba … in the interests of Peace