Hitler - Rise of evil

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Klasse 10

Autor sandi2001

Veröffentlicht am 31.08.2018


Hitler – Aufstieg des Bösen


Dieses Referat beinhaltet eine kurze Beschreibung des Films "Hitler - Aufstieg des Bösen" sowie viele historische Informationen zu Adolf Hitlers Leben und seinen Aufstieg zum Diktator. Das Referat ist in englischer Sprache verfasst.

Hitler - Rise of Evil

“Hitler - Rise of Evil” is a North American movie about the life of the German dictator Adolf Hitler. The original title of the film is “Hitler: The Rise of evil”. The producer is Christian Duguay, and the main actor is Robert Carlyle. The film also has a duration of 180 minutes and was released in the year 2003.

Content: The Life of Adolf Hitler

1. Short biography

Adolf Hitler was born on the 20th April of the year 1889 in Braunau, Austria. His father was called Alois Hitler, and his mother was called Klara Pölzl, and she was Alois’ third wife.
After successfully finishing elementary school, Adolf did not manage to finish secondary school and tried to gain a foothold as an artist in Vienna and Munich. His father died in the year 1903, his mother in the year 1907, when he first came into contact with nationalist and anti-Semitic ideas. He moved to the First World War as a volunteer and subsequently became a member of the NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - translated in english it means “National Socialist German Worker’s Party“).
In the year 1933 he became rich chancellor of Germany, and then, finally, Adolf Hitler became dictator of the German Reich (German Empire) and led Germany into war.

On April the 30th, of the year 1945, shortly before the official defeat of the German Reich, Adolf Hitler committed suicide after understanding that Germany has finally lost the war and that there’s no chance for the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party) anymore.

2. The seizure of power by Hitler and the National Socialists

During the post-war period of the First World War, i. e. in the years after 1918, Germany was affected by high inflation. In the 1920s democracy was finally consolidated. Meanwile, namely in the year 1920, the “NSDAP “ (abbreviation for “National Socialist German Workers Party“) was founded and in 1921 Adolf Hitler became its leader. Two years later, in 1923, the National Socialists failed in their attempt to take power (failed march to Berlin). Thereupon Hitler was arrested. In prison he had plenty of time to think and develop plans; so he wrote the book “My struggle” and reorganized the party.

In the year 1930 it was easy for radical parties to come to power. Because of the unstable situation in Germany (world economic crisis), the people were dissatisfied with the current level of unemployment and poverty in the state. This was of course favourable for the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party) and its leader Adolf Hitler.
In 1932, the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) was the party with the highest number of votes in the whole German state. Hitler had impressed with his rhetorical skills and views and attracted so many new members. An then, on the January the 30th of the year 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor of the Reich by the German President of the Reich Paul von Hindenburg, albeit reluctantly, and was allowed to make laws from this time on. In the same year, the Reichstag building in Germany’s capital city Berlin burned down; Hitler blamed the Communists and had four thousand of them arrested. The National Socialists also provided for the Enabling Act, the ban on trade unions and the ban on the “SPD”.
Finally, the National Socialist German Workers Party succeeded in ending democracy in Germany. It followed the construction of the first concentration camps in Dachau (near Munich). Paul of Hindenburg issued the “Ordinance for the Protection of People and State”, which overrides fundamental rights and freedom of expression, thus considerably facilitating the path to dictatorship. In of the following period all other parties dissolved - the National Socialists had thus become the only powerful party in Germany.
In the year 1934, the Reich President Paul von Hindenburg died and so Hitler could take his place. From this time on he called himself “Führer und Reichskanzler”. Over time Hitler thus achieved complete autocratic rule through strategic procedures - Germany over time had become a dictatorship.

The German state was greatly upgraded and Hitler’s exact ideas adapted accordingly. Examples:
-“Gleichschaltung des deutschen Volkes” (Cooptation of the german people)
-“Förderung der Jugend” (Furtherance of young people) or foundation of many associations for young people and workers ect. -…

NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party) consists of two associations:

  1. SA (“Sturmabwehr”, in english: storm drains)
  2. SS (“Schutzstaffeln”): Fanatical elite groups, until the year 1934 they were part of the “SA”

Support to facilitate Hitler’s rise
-Support to Großindustrie
-cooperation with the conservative government under Chancellor Franz of Papen
-recent Regierungskrise
-support to the army and military

Goals and ideas of the National Socialist German Workers Party
Racial doctrine:
-The “high-quality” race (= The Aryan race) fights inferior race. Inferior races are for example:

  1. Sinti
  2. Roma
  3. People with mental or physical disabilities
  4. homosexuals
  5. Jews (according to the National Socialist German Workers Party they are to blame for all the evils of the world)

The “master race” ruled over other peoples.
-conquest of habitat in the east
-the population of the conquered areas were enslaved

“Volksgemeinschaft” (Community of the German nation)

According to the National Socialist German Workers Party all people together should be one community. A very important guiding principle was, among other things, “public benefit before self-interest”. Various organisations were founded, for example “Kraft der Freude” and “Winterhilfswerk”.

States that Hitler annexed to the German Reich from 1933 without war:
1. Austria (in the year 1938)
2. Saar region (today: France)
3. Sudetenland (today: Czechoslovakia)
4. Bohemia and Moravia (today: Czechoslovakia)
5. Rhineland (today: Germany)