Massentierhaltung : Factoryfarming and animal Cruelty

Fach Fach

Klasse 11

Autor Larissa345

Veröffentlicht am 12.05.2018


Factroyfarming animal cruelty Massentierhaltung


Dieses Referat handelt von der Massentierhaltung und Tierquälerei. Was ist Massentierhaltung ? Welche Pro und Kontra Argumente gibt es ? Und welche Konsequenzen kann das haben ? Am Ende findet ihr noch eine Übersetzung der wichtigsten Vokabeln.

Is it okay to lock an animal up or is it indefensible ? It’s your choice ! But In connection with this question …
is it okay to lock 753 Million animals up per year ? An isn’t it enough to shut them in ?
No it isn’t … They slaughter them ?


And ther’re not just cows and pigs which are living in intensive lifestock farming. There are also animals like goos , fattened pigs , breeding sows , beef cattles , fattenend calfs , dairy cows , plump chickens , laying hens , turkey hens , ducks , rabbits , crustaceans and many more besides.

But what is Factoryfarming ?

The aim is to keep hundrets of horses or any other animals with the lowest possible
Expenditure of energy. Factoryfarming is a forcible condition form. This living conditions are so bad that it is normally to administer antiniotica as a precaution. But we should bear the induviduel necessitys in mind . If the Animals are living in Factoryfarming we can’t make them coming true.

And there is another sort of Factoryfarming. It ist called Animal hording .In opposite to the industrial farming isn’t it the aim to slaughter them. It ist about a person who loves the animal but does not takes any care oft hem .The person is just kepping them. A lot of horses live in famine so that they are starving.

Horses are needed to produce pork. The pregnant mare has a hormon which is called PMSG. The Production injects the hormon to the sow. But why are they doing this ?
The PMSG causes that the sow after a litter ist able to become pregnant as fast as possible. The procedure to get the blood serum is painful and agonizing.

The horse is a economically useful animal . Humans are lazy disadvantageusely of the horses. These animals are locked in a box because we are too lazy

The aim is to keep animals in a nearnatural environment. Important is the reasonable diet and care. We have to clean the paddocks . Besides it is important to observe the behaviour.They need gesture. and more than 1.5 hectare space to move about it. They need 30 – 50 litres Water per day . The diet is made up of hay , gras , and pelleted animal food.

The horse is an economically useful animal .
Another sort of animal cruelty is the horse soring . This mistreatment is used by the tenessee walker horses . These Horses get injured by chemical or mechanical aids.
But why are they doing this . Through this procedure they achive spectacular movements.
If animal cruelty is human we need to redifine human.

But what about animals like cows . They are also economically useful animals. They should grase on a paddock.. Most people think that cows have four stomachs. That’s actually not true. They have just one stomach with four chambers .Cows are social animals, and they naturally form large herds..

In the end it is important to take the behaviour and elemental needs of the animals into consideration. It is not okay to treat an animal like an object. My message is don’t buy products tested on animals. Don’t use pesticides , avoid cruel entertainment and never buy fur.

The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot speak for themselfes.

  • Last year were 300 Million Tons of meat produced .

Pro :

  • cheap
  • good for the economy
  • Export economy 
  • Offer & great demand
  • Is not a luxury goods
  • Workplaces

Contra :

  • Full of Antibiotica and Hormones
  • Also a Causer for the famine

Consequences :

  • immunity to antibiotica
  • over-fertilization
  • clear-felling the rainforest
  • climat change
  • Animal cruelty
  • Global Hunger
  • poverty
    -destroying the species richness

Vocabulary :

forcible condition form = Gewaltsame Haltungsform
antibiotic = Antibiotika
elemental needs = Grundbedürfnisse
cut off = gekürzt , abgetrennt
indefensible = inakzeptabel
slaughter = schlachten
Expenditure of energy. = Arbeitsaufwand
precaution = Sicherheitsmaßnahme
consideration = Überlegung