South Africa - Apartheid

Fach Fach

Klasse 13

Autor sar1901

Veröffentlicht am 30.05.2018


Abitur Apartheid SA history


Dieses Referat handelt von dem Land Südafrika und besonders von den Umständen, unter denen die dunkelhäutige Bevölkerung zur Zeit der Apartheid leiden mussten. Desweiteren geht es auch um ihre heutige Lage und die Probleme, welche dort herrschen.

-only allowed to do low level works
-Population Registration Act (four racial groups)
-Group Areas Act (specific areas for residence for different races (also forced to move))
-Promotion of Bantu Self-Government Act (homelands (independent national state) permanent black territories)
-Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act
-Separate Amenities Act (separated public facilities -> petty apartheid)
-Natives Act/Pass Law (blacks had to have a lot of documents with them (over 16: Passbooks always available)
-Banning Orders (e.g. Suppression of Communism Act) -> not allowed to attend public meetings etc. (reference: Nelson Mandela)
-> Acts were arbitrary (willkürlich)
-> OPPRESSION, FORCE, VIOLENCE AND SEGREGATION -> (“Necklacing” -> mob justice -> blacks against blacks (as they thought they work for the government -> betrayal)
-Police violence (torture) -> reference: Dry White Season
-> not allowed to own land, live where they chose, sometimes speak their own language (school)
Mxholisi (young black) lives in Guguletu (township): fearless (nothing to lose) -> desperation -> against discrimination, earlier: apartheid
Amy (young white): at ease; dedicated; extravert; inquisitive, fearless (no sense of danger)
Situation of poor Blacks:
-lost; rickety houses/shacks; few education; homesickness (forced to move); not much nature; decent shopping capabilities; uniformity; deading surroundings
-oppression; patriarchy; dependent; subordinate; traditional image of women (housewife); often forced marriages (if children are illegitimate -> social disgrace); work (little salary; often more manual work; working for whites; not many graduations -> no high jobs)

-still a problem in Africa -> some people still deny the existence; no knowledge
-unprotected sex -> protections too expensive (and also anti-retroviral drugs)
-25.3 million infected people in Africa
-social disgrace -> HIV care centers (forced to be there); in community: get stoned, despised, murdered
-few preventative programs
Reference: Nkosi Johnson

-nepotism (Vetternwirtschaft (Präsident gibt Verwandte Jobs))
Reference: We will stand up against Zuma

-“Rainbow Nation” (intended to sum up the unity of multy-culturalism)
-still differences between blacks and whites
-ethnic distribution: 80%/10%
-Whites earn twice as much as the black population
-old homelands -> slums/townships (some are still no-go areas for the police policing has largely become a private concern)
-health issues (dirty drink water; illness (Aids)) -> no many hospitals and trained doctors
-economy grows (also infrastructure)
-> new black middle class emerged; inequality narrowed a bit but situation of poor blacks still not have improved
-high unemployment rate
-unequal society (access to jobs; income distribution; social services; wealth; land ownership)
-big gap between rich and poor
-schooling is abysmal, teacher don’t take their jobs serious
-high crime rate (murder is common and persistent at least in some areas) because of poverty and missing trust in state/government/police -> murder, rape, …
-dissatisfaction among the black youth (face high jobless rates)
-life expectations very low (f.ex. HIV/Aids)
-internal corruption
-even the highest living standards there are in comparison to european standards low
-white rich elite build fences -> tries to secure their lives from thieves,… and “black threat”

-many settlers from different countries colonized the country
-already then they pushed the black indigenous people into the interior of the country (no arrangements)
-ANC (was founded in 1912)
-National Party wins election (white-only)-> white minority rule -> pigmentocracy
-> policy of Apartheid: (siehe ACTS; siehe APARTHEID)
-protests/riots of students in Soweto -> against school subjects in Afrikaans -> a lot of victims
-a lot of demonstrations -> pressure from inside and outside grew
-black population (74%) -> no parliamentary representation
-1994: first non-racial general election
-1996: new South African constitution