The Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalisation around the World

Fach Fach

Klasse 10

Autor Sternheim

Veröffentlicht am 04.10.2018


Globalisation Culture Economy America Consumer


Dieses Referat behandelt die Vor- und Nachteile der Globalisierung. Dabei werden ökonomische und politische Aspekte angesprochen, aber auch wie die Globalisierung das tägliche Leben von uns allen beeinflussen kann.

Globalisation is a concept that affects not only people but also the environment, political structures and cultural exchange, thus resulting in risks as well as benefits. The increased economic competition between many different countries on the world gives the consumers more affordable products, because they can now choose the lowest price from companies all over the world. Also the consumers are not dependent on regional and local businesses anymore. If another country sells the same products a lot cheaper, customers are able to order them via the internet and the competition between different countries and companies is even higher than before. This is not always a good thing, because some companies lie Amazon are very big while smaller companies have problems being successful because they cannot sell that many products. This is why gloablisation is bad for small businesses. If the US imports a lot of food products into Germany, smaller farms will have trouble selling their own regional products if they are more expensive.

However, the shipping costs of the products also need to be considered and this is why it is better to buy regional products. Also customers can support the local farmers by buying their products and the whole country is not dependent on other countries anymore. Ths could be good, because when there is a war or different politial problems, the trade between countries could decrease and the population of Germany would have to rely on regional products again. If they are not prepared to do this, there could be a shortage of the product and there will be economic problems.

Foreign influences on art, the media and pop culture results in new ways to express yourself, such as joining a different religion or learning to speak another language, which could allow you to communicate and share your own cultural beliefs and values. People can now chat via the internet to other people from a lot of different countries. This is very nice because it gives them new knowledge and information that they probably would not get otherwise. However, it is necessary to speak English because it could be hard to communicate if people only speak their own language. This why it is important to speak another language, so you understand what the other person wants. Most people speak English, but Spanish is also a good option. Also, a lot of content like videos or books or blogs are onnly available in English and this is why it can be helpful to speak English, so you can enjoy content from other countries.

By using technology developed all over the world, people are now able to share their experiences and memorable moments in life with people all over the world. Increased media coverage of foreign issues and problems raises awareness of national conflicts, so individuals can act on them and change something. They can support the people in those countries, for example by protesting against the violation of human rights. People can also donate money, for example when there is a disaster in other countries like a flood or a hurricane. Due to media coverage we now know what is going osn in other countries and we can support the people there if they need help from us. Also, if we need help, we can get it from other countries because of contracts and political unions.

Globalisation has become an important aspect of everyday life and can be seen in small influences like buying products produced in other countries, like clothes or technology. But globalisation can also be seen in bigger changes like wars about natural resources like oil. This is why globalisation has both advantages and disadvantages and this is why it is a controversial issue. It does not only have good sides but there are bad sides too that need to be considered. Sometimes it is better to buy products from your own country. The might be cheaper if you buy them on the internet from another country, but they are not always produced fairly and the employees are sometimes treated badly.